About Clan 1812
We play in historic mod Mount and Blade Warband Musket.
The main prerequisites for the creating of this clan was the need of team play.
This mod for team game.
Clans also take part in the championships - Clan Wars.
Our clan play on official and no official servers Our embassy
Clan name
Mod Warband Musket covers the era of the Napoleonic wars of the early 19 century. French army conquered Europe and attacked the Russian Empire, where in 1812 and was completely destroyed. Therefore, the clan is named 1812.
1) 1812_General_MaxiM.
2) 1812_Captain_Daker_the_best.
3) 1812_Captain_Wolf.
4) 1812_Lieutenant_America_Ice.
5) 1812_Sergaent_Haldar.
6) 1812_rifleman_Новембер
7) 1812_rifleman_Зик
8) 1812_rifleman_Карп
9) 1812_rifleman_Разак
10) 1812_rifleman_Шотландец
11) 1812_rifleman_Васёк
Основатель клана Knyaz.
Кого в списке нет тот больше не с нами.
Бойцы которые не играют по пол года и не приходят на кв нужны нам в последнею очередь.